Please be patient as we update our project page.

The Linworth Taxonomy is now on iNaturalist!


We will be migrating the existing species list to the iNaturalist app during the school year, but all new pictures should be uploaded to the Linworth Taxonomy project at iNaturalist or sent to Mason or Devin to be uploaded and identified. 

You can see our iNaturalist project here:

Linworth Taxonomy Project on iNaturalist


What is The Linworth Taxonomy?

It is a collection of the flora and fauna found on the Linworth School Campus. 

How do I help?

When you see an interesting plant or animal (including insects!!!) on the campus, snap a picture and upload to iNaturalist. See Devin or Mason for help with getting and using the app. If that doesn't work, you can post it on GroupMe and someone will put it on the iNaturalist site.



        Carolina Mantis (gravid female)


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